Benefits of Prevest Calapex

PrevestDenPro Calapex
PrevestDenPro Calapex

Root canals often evoke a sense of fear, but advancements in dental materials have significantly improved the experience and outcomes of such treatments. One standout product in endodontic treatments is Prevest Calapex, a root canal sealer known for its robust sealing properties and biocompatibility.

What is Prevest Calapex?

Prevest Calapex, an insoluble calcium hydroxide cement, serves as a sealer that hardens within the root canal to form a durable barrier and foster healing. It’s a two-component system consisting of a base and an activator, mixed just before application, available in tubes or cartridges for ease of use.

Key Applications of Calapex

Primarily, Calapex is employed for the permanent filling of root canals post the removal of infected pulp and subsequent canal shaping. Here are typical scenarios for its use:

Post-Root Canal Therapy: To seal the canal permanently after cleansing.

Root Canal Re-treatment: Useful in re-sealing canals in cases of recurrent infection.

Directions to use:

To apply Prevest Calapex, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure that the tooth surfaces are clean and free from any debris, plaque, or calculus. You may need to perform a professional cleaning before applying the product.
  2. Shake the bottle of Prevest Calapex well to ensure proper mixing of the contents.
  3. Use a disposable brush or applicator to apply a thin layer of Prevest Calapex onto the desired tooth surface. Make sure to cover the entire area that requires treatment.
  4. Allow the product to self-cure for the recommended time mentioned in the product instructions. Generally, this is around 20-30 seconds.
  5. After the recommended curing time, check the material’s hardness. If it feels firm and solid, it is ready for further dental procedures. If it feels sticky or soft, allow additional time for curing.
  6. If needed, you can layer additional coats of Prevest Calapex to achieve the desired thickness or coverage. Ensure proper curing between each layer.
  7. Once the material is fully cured, you can proceed with any additional restorative or cosmetic dental procedures, such as placing composite fillings, bonding, or veneers.
  8. Lastly, rinse and clean the treated area and check the occlusion to ensure proper alignment and function of the teeth.

Note: It is important to read and follow the specific instructions provided by the manufacturer of Prevest Calapex, as application steps may vary slightly depending on the product formulation. Additionally, it is recommended to consult with a dental professional for accurate diagnosis, treatment planning, and application guidance.

Advantages of Prevest Calapex

While various sealers are available, dentists might prefer Calapex due to:

  1. Insolubility and Radiopacity: It remains intact over time and is visible on X-rays for monitoring post-treatment integrity.
  2. Biocompatibility: Its core ingredient, calcium hydroxide, promotes healing and possesses antibacterial properties.
  3. User-friendly Application: Available as a two-component system in multiple packaging options to suit different practice needs.
  4. Durability: Its non-shrinking nature ensures a consistent seal, reducing microleakage risks.


Prevest Calapex stands out in root canal therapy for its lasting results, healing properties, and practical application methods. However, always consult with your dentist to find the optimal treatment plan tailored to your specific dental needs. This discussion can help you understand why a particular sealer, like Calapex, is recommended for your situation.

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