Why You Need Dental Implants

Why You Need Dental Implants?

Implants are something that acts as the tooth root and is placed surgically in the jawbones. When placed, they interface within the jaws. Their integration within the jaws is predicated on the procedure called osseointegration. The procedure of complete structural and functional connection between an implant and a living bone is known as Osseointegration. When osseointegration is successful, implant and the bone makes as a functional unit. There are various smaller units comprising this whole unit like, one that is embedded into the bone, second the visible portion of tooth or crown, and third connecting the two. An implant is the part embedded in the bone and abutment is the connector between the two. The implants may be rough or smooth, and titanium metal is the most common material used for making Implants. Carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, and iron’s concentration determines the grade of titanium to be used for manufacturing implants but mostly pure titanium is used.  Implants are mainly made of Titanium CP4, whereas, Grade 5 titanium is used for preparing Abutment screws and Abutment.

There are two types of implants: Endosteal and Subperiosteal. Endosteal implants are those which are directly placed into jaws. Their osseointegration marks the complete healing of surrounding tissues. A metal frame on jaw bone below the gums is referred to as Subperiosteal implants. They are preferable in the case of a low density of jaw bone and the patient’s uncooperative behavior towards the treatment of this condition. They are of various shapes and sizes and their use varies according to the bony structure. Standard size of an implant is 13mm. Whenever maxilla falls short of bone, implants are inserted in the cheek bone and referred to as zygomatic implants. Comparatively, they are larger in size. There are some implants referred to as single unit implants because they are too small that they do not require any abutment. Whenever there is a need for a bone graft or sinus lift, ultra-short plateau roof form (PRF) implants are placed. There also exist orthodontic and ceramic implants. Orthodontic implants as per the name are used in the orthodontic treatment and are placed beside the tooth as an anchor and braces are attached to these anchors. Thus implants are used for dental prosthesis They are also known as temporary anchorage. They are the safest and strongest tooth replacement option available.

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