Ammdent Glutapex


July 2026

Original price was: ₹697.00.Current price is: ₹273.00.

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Disinfectant for Medico Surgical Equipment and Dental Instruments
Combination is 10 time mores lethal than either chemical alone

Formaldehyde: 8,w/v
Glutraldehyde: 7,w/v along with antirust age
Approved colour

INSTRUCTION FOR USE: To 100 ml of Glutapex add 900ml of water. Pour prepared solution in tray. Dip pre-cleaned instruments. Solution can be used up to 14 days.
For disinfection immerse for 15-20 Minutes.
For Sterilization immerse for 64 hours. Rinse instrument throughly before use.
Good material compatibility, presence of and rust agent. No wastage, Prepare as & when required. Contains surfactant cleaners, helps for pre cleaning.
Gluteraldehyde at slightly acidic pH is more stable, more sporicidal & less damaging.
Acid stabilized solution not only polymerises slowly but also kills dried spores within 2-0 minutes.
Very active bactericidal, fungicidal, tuberculocidal virucidal &; sporicidal activity.
High microbiocidal activity against spores. Effective anti-microbacterial.
Effective against B. Subtilis/B.Pumilis. Heat resistant spores like Clostridium tetani are killed.
Formaldehyde-Acts by alkyiation with amino & sulthydryl group of proteins & nucleic acids. Both are HIGH LEVEL DISINFECTANTS.
Neutral emulsifying agent stabilizes & increases the activity.
Suitable for emergency disinfection
Ideal for metal, glass steel, porcelain, plastic, Packaging ceramic, rubber etc.
500ml Make a 1 in 10 dilution with tap water & use.
The equipment / instrument should be free from organic matter like blood, serum before dipping in the diluted GLUTAPEX solution. Dip instruments for specified contact time & then take out. Rinse instruments with tap water befor use. Replace the solution after 14 days.
Special Information Wear gloves to avoid skin contact. Protect eyes from splashes, limit exposure time ; use only in well ventilated area.


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