Endo Watch

Two millimetric rulers allow right or left handed users to easily measure and set the rubber stopper to working length
Foam insert is disposable and can be autoclan=ved before use
The white insert, specific for rotary files is designed to clean the debris from the instruments while they are in motion

Original price was: ₹728.00.Current price is: ₹629.00.

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Enhance user experience with Advanced Tabs, allowing seamless content navigation. Organize information efficiently while keeping the interface clean and interactive. Perfect for FAQs, product details, or multi-section content.
Enhance user experience with Advanced Tabs, allowing seamless content navigation. Organize information efficiently while keeping the interface clean and interactive. Perfect for FAQs, product details, or multi-section content.
Enhance user experience with Advanced Tabs, allowing seamless content navigation. Organize information efficiently while keeping the interface clean and interactive. Perfect for FAQs, product details, or multi-section content.

It is aimed to make endodontic working flow easier and smoother and helps improving efficiency an ergonomics of routine endodontic therapy, both for the clinician who works alone and the one who is helped by an assistant.
It is omposed by an easy – adjustable and comfortanle to wear silicone wrsit band that can be worn by the clinicians or the assistant and can eb autoclaved after use
It comes with an autoclavable foam instert (white), dedicated to the storage and cleaning of rotary and hand files


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